Thursday, August 24, 2006

Brewing Beer And Changing Lives

Three weeks without a post, eh? Obviously nothing much hahs happened in the last three weeks...right! This is probably the fourth or fifth time I have sat down to post about something...we will see if this one makes it through.

A year ago all I wanted to do was help people. Financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, equatorially. Now all I crave is space - the space to recapture my life and who I am as opposed to what's going on around me. I think this is the crux of the matter. Anyone who is trying to make a difference in a situation (life in this case) is going against the norm while trying to live within the norm. I f you don't keep your goal in mind and keep pushing forward you remain stuck in the very thing you are attempting to avoid. I guess this ties in nicely with the whole Christian struggle of trying to live in the world when our citizenship is elsewhere. So here we go forward again!

I other news the MC brewing company is currently expanding its production procedures, moving towards all grain brewing. This is a much more intensive method where the goal is to produce something resembling beer (as opposed to gasoline) straight from grains. Any requests for beer styles? My first choice would be an oatmeal stout or proter, but that might be asking too much.


At Thursday, August 24, 2006 3:03:00 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Yes, oatmeal, just the way my mum used to make it.

At Saturday, August 26, 2006 12:58:00 PM, Blogger Rach said...

Hmmm....can you make it taste like a Corona? Cuz those are good. Good luck trying to figure out the space time continuum!! (yes I looked up how to spell that!)

At Saturday, September 02, 2006 11:33:00 AM, Blogger Paul Seburn said...

I really liked the puropse drive beer, it changed my life in so many ways. My bank account is so much bigger now! I have no trouble sharing my beer..i mean faith with sinners of all types.
Since I started tithing my beer and attending church regularily and involved in a quaint home group I've seen my business double. I now have 4 cars including a hummer. Your beer taught me what's really important in life and I want to share it with the world. I feel a real connection with godly leaders throughout the world like George Bush, Dick Cheney and Steven Harper. I think they must all drink The Purpose DRIVEN beer as well. I find their lifestyle really lines up with my equally godly view of things. I hope through driving purpose into others around the globe through mass puropse driven beer intake that we can finally have the kind of world we all want.

thanks again for bringing such wonderful beer to so many american hearts of minds.


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