Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Sporty Theology

My college (Taylor University College) had an awards ceremony this morning and as coach of the volleyball team I presented awards for MVP, Most Improved, and Sportsmanlike (or should that be sportspersonlike...honestly). To my surprise, I also received an award for Greek studies from Zondervan and a free book of my choosing. book...aaghalagha!

One of the guys I took Greek with asked what I was doing in the fall (for a while I had been thinking of going to Trinity Western University to take Biblical Studies). I started telling him about The House idea and he was quite excited. Anyway, we started talking about the whole emphasis on education in evengelical thought. Both of us are quite scholarly minded and value knowledge but there is, what I think to be, a serious flaw in the view that education is a prerequisite for faith, or at the very least the best way to ensure strong faith.

The idea that we must educate people to death in order for them to have a real faith is very short-sighted. It takes away the mystical side of faith and makes our faith a series of lectures or chapters in a textbook. I do agree that deeper knowledge can bring deeper understanding and a fuller faith, but so can connection with nature, community, family, Oreo on Oreo ice cream action, and even athletics. This lead me to think about athletics and competition in general as it relates to Christian life.

Where do athletics fit into our relationship with Christ? It's part of the whole realm of physicality in spirituality and it's an area where western philosophies, including evangelicalism, have little to say and almsot nothing positive to offer. The idea of having a spirituality that includes physicality is one of the things I will enjoy exploring the most at The House.


At Thursday, April 14, 2005 10:43:00 AM, Blogger Rach said...

Yay for awards! Congratulations! What kind of physical options is the House going to pursue? As an inside-outsider I think you should play ultimate frisbee in the summer lots... and if you do...can I come?

At Thursday, April 14, 2005 12:43:00 PM, Blogger Erika said...

The whole physical side of spirituality is something I have given some thought to - what with my kung fu thing and all.

I react to things physically by nature... aware of movement, of the physical positions that I find myself in. I would like to do more of this with the House - kneeling - even prostrating myself - in prayer, pacing while Scripture is read, etc. I have found, however, that these things are by nature solitary and very personal. I'm not sure how I will encorporate them for myself.

As for athletics & the Christian life - I'm still working on that one. For me it's more the time commitment than anything - is my physical self worth all this time, or is there something else that needs to be done more desperately?

Anyway, I'm proud of you for getting the Greek award - you should have gotten the Hebrew one too. Maybe I'll just take that upon myself...

::gives Charlie the Hebrew award::


Love you lots - Erika

At Thursday, April 14, 2005 1:26:00 PM, Blogger Chuck said...

Hey Rach. We will definitely play ultimate frisbee and you can definitely come. Last Sunday after Matt's shindig we went to Hawrelak Park and threw a football around in the dark. It was great! More to come I'm sure.


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