Friday, May 26, 2006

Gregorius The Annoying Little...

Don't you just love it when small problems become more trouble than they're worth?

Seemingly Incompetent Boob #1: "Hey, the taillight on this motorcycle doesn't seem to be working."

Seemingly Incompetent Boob #2: "Hmm, did you try blowing on it?"

Seemingly Incompetent Boob #1: "No, but I did tap it."

Seemingly Incompetent Boob #2: "Yeah, that should have worked."

...meanwhile, back at the ranch (aka 1 hour later)...

Most Likely Incompetent Boob #2: "Wait, did you try tapping it yet?"

Most Likely Incompetent Boob #1: "Yeah, but I didn't blow on it."

Most Likely Incompetent Boob #2: "Hmm..."

...2 hours...

Definitely Incompetent Boob #1: "You know what? If we tapped and blew at the same time that might just work!"

Definitely Incompetent Boob #2: "Or we could use my handy volt-meter to test the connections, only to find out that the brown wire, which is responsible for powering the taillight, changes color/disappears somewhere between the back and front of the bike, forcing us to disassemble most of the front end because (of course) the wiring diagram doesn't match up with real life due to alterations/diabolical suzukian engineers. Then we could search in vain for a disconnect between the front and back, finding instead that poor wiring has blown a fuse, at which point we will think that all is fixed, soon realizing that the fuse box seems to be malfunctioning, leading to much tinkering and wiggling, which in turn dispels a small black gremlin, who runs off giggling and leaving the bike in unexplainably working order.”

Definitely Incompetent Boob #1: “That does sound reasonable, but shouldn’t we try tapping it or something first?”


At Friday, May 26, 2006 10:39:00 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

Wow, you sound lik an ideal candidate for reception!

At Friday, May 26, 2006 12:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you calling my boy a boob?


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