Thursday, April 14, 2005

Nothing To Do...Everything To Gain

Suddenly I find myself with very little to do. Yesterday saw the end of my volleyball season as our team lost in the fifth set of the finals to a team that I know is inferior to us...ouch! I also had my last class and my final exam for that class is two weeks away. So I will probably slack off for thirteen days and do some last minute cramming. Thus, I am free for the summer! Now to decide if I will get a another job or use the extra time to pour into The House.

Having thought more about the role of physicality in spirituality I keep coming back to the idea that knowledge is not the basis for faith. That line of thinking seems to lead into the idea that I can only experience God if I'm disecting his Word or having theological discussion. What about how I experience God when I'm into music or snowboarding on a perfect mountain? Did David achieve "enlightenment" when he dance unabashedly naked before God? Or was it all the years of Jewish instruction Paul received that lead him to the profound relationshiop we know he had with Christ?

I think God gave us each of our senses to experience things as He does. We are created in His image and intellect and rational thought are only a part of that.


At Friday, April 15, 2005 11:05:00 AM, Blogger Erika said...

You could always do some housework... or take me out to lunch...


love ya. E


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