Monday, June 05, 2006

MurphDog The Water Weenie

So my dog is now officially a water maniac. Erika and I took him to the river on Saturday and then he went agian with a few of us on Sunday. It took him a while to get used to the idea of being submerged, the first attempt at fetching a stick stopping short of actual submergion and ending with an uncertainty as to the sanity of such a stick-throwing owner. With a little gentle persuasion (read: pick up dog, throw dog in deep water) he was doggie-paddling (i.e. paddling like a dog not disciplining other canines), stick-fetching (as in fetching sticks not...not fetching sticks) machine. Now if only I could find a slightly less contaminated body of water than the North Sask. I'm afraid that one time Murphy will go out for a stick and come back with a stiff.


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