Friday, March 02, 2007

Note To Self... 'self' refers not only to myself, but in fact to every other self out there (even as you read this in you own head you can apply the 'my' to yourself, which introduces the complication of figuring out who this 'yourself' person is - if 'my' is now you then does 'you' become me?)

At any rate you can, in confidence, add pre-fermented beer to the list of things that are not pleasant when burned on a stove (and I suspect you could also add the post-fermented variety as well, but you may want to do some studies of your own first).


At Tuesday, March 06, 2007 12:44:00 AM, Blogger Lightfoot said...

Ok, brain hurtingness aside (I can't figure out why my name is now Chuck...),

I know you love your beer, but alternative methods of consumption like injection, smoking, boiling in a spoon, or burning and inhaling from a stove DO NOT work. I guess you figured that out the hard way. But the question before us is, how was it?? As good as you expected?

Also, a proper kettle is soon in order, methinks. With shiny steel. And big, flame-jets and valves and gauges and cool stuff like that.


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