Friday, September 09, 2005


We came this close to having our first excommunication last night. Not really, but Matt and Jeremy and I stayed up 'til the wee hours "discussing" the place of the Scripture in our faith. It was quite interesting if not a bit testy at times. But I think this is the beautiful thing about what we are trying to do. We have talked about the reality that there will be differing viewpoints, opinions, understandings (if there weren't, there would be no need for faith). Instead of trying to quell these differences or avoid the confrontations we want to welcome them and create a place where they can be expressed, discussed, and then crushed under the mighty wisdom of Matt and Chuck (kidding!).

Well, the rubber hit the road and I think it went well. The trickiest part is learning the ways in which people communicate, argue, debate, express. It's hard to ensure that everyone is heard when each person has different styles or aptitudes towards communication. Some people hate confrontation, others like it too much. As a side note, I think there are very few people these days who are good at debate. It seems to be a lost art. When you read Plato, where Socrates engages in debate, there is something there that we don't have much of these days. Debates exist to uncover truth, solve problems, resolve issues, not to defend ones point at all costs. When a proponent of a different view makes a good point Socrates is the first to congratulate him.

And so I think one key to opening up discussion and the flow of ideas is to recapture the positive aspects of true debate.


At Saturday, September 10, 2005 9:20:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more Chuck! I always thought I wish Christian friends of mine could come to work with me. We debate, discuss, throw out ideas to better our care. Our desire being to "cure and heal mankind" In most "church" setting people get offended, hurt ........Why? why cannot we debate the same way? For truth!
Shirley (I am home on sick leave- so you may hear more from me. I read your blog regularly!)

At Saturday, September 10, 2005 2:06:00 PM, Blogger Rach said...

I have that feeling you get when you watch a particularly gripping hour long TV show that leaves you hanging for next week's continuation. Having had this exact discussion with you about debating... I totally see your point (see, I'm learning so fast!) however, I want to know what kind of conclusions, if any, you came to on this issue of "the excommunication" ....just like a sequal to "the exorcist" hmm...what film possibilities!

At Saturday, September 10, 2005 2:07:00 PM, Blogger Rach said...

P.S. - Hi Shirley!!!

At Saturday, September 10, 2005 8:20:00 PM, Blogger Chuck said...

Yeah I guess I left that hanging. I was alluding to the fact that we jokingly excommunicated Jeremy based on his views of the Bible, when in fact we had a good discussion and very few blows were landed. I think I was trying to make light of how quickly we jump to cut off those with different viewpoints, but since I am an individual who possesses no sense of humor I can see how one might miss that.

At Sunday, September 11, 2005 11:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck you are my hero.


At Monday, September 12, 2005 3:08:00 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Though not a fan of the debate myself, since they tend to degrade into circular arguments, they are fun to watch when you are on the sidelines. I look forward to many Springer-worthy debates between you three.

At Tuesday, September 13, 2005 7:38:00 AM, Blogger Chuck said...

Yes and it turns out that Jeremy is carrying my child! Who knew?!


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