Missions Festivus
Against my more sleep-induced judgement I went to the closing ceremonies...of Missions Fest, not the Olympics, with Matt, Erika, and Miranda. I was quite tired, but am so glad that I went. The night consisted of various ethnis groups worshipping in their own style - Punjabi, Sudanese, Korean, Chinese. It was quite a thing to feel a connection with these people as we had almost nothing in common other than a love for Christ. Couldn't understand the words, couldn't always appreciate the vibe, but, as one of the Sudanese guy pointed out, we were all there for one reason and that reason was the same - Giving God His due.
The other thing I came away from that night with was a re-conviction that God has set me aside for ministry. What that ministry looks like I am not completely sure yet, but I have had this overwhelming sense that God has great things for me to do in furthuring His Kingdom. This is a sense that has stayed with me since I was 12. I realize it could be a self-fulfilled deal, "Hey I like China. I think God is calling me there. Wow, people at Missions Fest think it's a good idea to go do missions. It must be a sign!", but I can feel God's purpose driving my life (just for you Matt...if you still read blogs).
And speaking of dogs getting neutered...Murphy is doing well after his surgery yesterday. He's somewhat dissapointed with me for some reason, but he understands that it is for the good of the many.