Thursday, February 02, 2006

Le Wok du Samuel

Sweet, glorious, flaming monkey!!! Sam Wok is so good!

I wonder, if and when I go to China, if I will be able to come back and enjoy Chinese food from these western restaurants. It might be like going to Smitty's or Denny's for breakfast where the only saving grace is that you don't have to slaughter the pig (vegetarians read: artificially flavored and colored rabbit food made to look as though it were some sort of actual meat byproduct, which is ridiculous because the whole point of being a vegetarian is to avoid eating meat and if you've finally escaped the mysterious world of hotdogs and lunch meat why would you possibly want to be reminded of such atrocities? Seems like a fruitless endeavor to me…oh, the pun!) yourself or do the dishes because the food is nowhere near as good as ma makes.


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