Thursday, June 02, 2005

God Is Not Dead, Just Not Needed

I really loves me some philosophy these days. Plus, it's so much easier to allow other people to speak for you, just string together a bunch of quotations and you look like a genius. Hegel:

He who has not extended his spiritual interests beyond the hurry and bustle of the finite world, nor succeeded in lifting himself above this life through aspiration, through the anticipation, through the feeling of the Eternal, and who has not gazed upon the pure ether of the soul, does not possess in himself that element which it is our object here to comprehend (namely religion - my addition).

Isn't it lovely when great minds think alike?

It seems that we have reached a new state of evolution in our comprehension (or lack thereof) of God or religion. It is quite easy for many in our society to simply live out their lives without ever really contemplating the nature of reality. There's no need for it. As Nietzsche exclaimed, "God is dead". Well, at least the necessity to wrestle with the idea of the Eternal is dead. We are not faced with the evidence of the wholly Other in our day-to-day as were our ancestors. Indeed, we're only one step removed from living in completely controlled environments with no need to consider the effects of weather, fertility, ecology, natural and supernatural phenomena. I struggle to retain the concept that rain is a life-giving blessing from God instead of a nuisance for my commute. The struggle to explain these things used to be an all-encompassing, universal reality. A man sees the blessing of fertility in his fields and one form of belief or another is developed to explain such.

Now we have agnosticism, the ultimate cop out. In our self-contained lives we have no need to explain how things get done, I do them. Only those who struggle to delve into the mystery of life, the universe, and everything see the use of God, whatever or whoever that may be.


At Friday, June 03, 2005 10:05:00 AM, Blogger Rach said...

It's like when our printer breaks at work, we don't realize that is the lifeblood of our office until we don't have it anymore. Like you were saying about the rain, it's a nuicance (sp?) until we deperately need it. The appreciation is directly porportionate to the need being filled? Or is it the realization of the need... if we know we need it we are thankful when we receive it? Ok I'm having spelling issues...this comment may be a lost cause....sorry!

At Friday, June 03, 2005 11:24:00 AM, Blogger Lightfoot said...

Thanks for teh word of ze day Chuck! This really hits home with me today as I become evermore polarized towards absolutism in what we believe. i.e. Either you are for or against God, no cop-outs" as you say.

Lukewarmness is the worst things that can happen to one's faith, and I agree that our society has created the ultimate breeding ground for lukewarmness today, often inappropriately labelled "tolerance". Not bashing tolerance, just that which is bandied about as such.

Awesome stuff man, I pray that you keep on rockin' the philosophy books. See you guys soon.


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