Friday, May 06, 2005

Weary of Worry

I feel really anxious these days and I don't know why. I feel as though I have thousands of things to do and take care of, when, in reality, I don't. This happens to me every once in a while and I think it happens mostly when I go from actually being busy to having a more lax schedule. Just having finished my one class, volleyball, etc. I have more time now and the few things that I have to do seem larger because I'm not in a routine every day. When life is busy it's easier to fit an errand here or a task there, you just do it. When things slow down it's harder to get motivated. Anyone else have this? (OK that was as rhetorical as it gets).

Another reason for my state is the number of issues and situations in my life right now that don't have easy fixes or simple answers. It's one thing when you have a list of stuff to do, you just check 'em off and move on. But when there are issues about personality clashes within your community you can't simply move on, it's constant, and I have a few of those happening recently.

I struggle with being near-sighted in my approach to life, or maybe it's far-sighted. I look at all the things that require my attention and I bring them close, where they cloud my vision and suddenly I'm trapped, closed in on all sides. I allow worries and concerns to build up, each one compounding the others. I find that blogging about some of these things has helped but I realize more and more that I need to bring them before my Lord and let Him deal with the worry and the anxiousness.


At Monday, May 09, 2005 7:15:00 AM, Blogger Rach said...

Hey if it'll make you feel better I can pawn off some of the things i need to do on you, just to even things out. ;-) How about you take care of my car and go get my allergy testing - that should be fun! Deal?

At Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:01:00 AM, Blogger Matt Thompson said...

Dude - welcome to full time vocational ministry. It doesn't stop, but the good news is that I am in it as deep as you are, and at the very least you have Erika and I to lean on.


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