The Weight of Wait
With the Inferno of Wheeeeee complete I find myself finally able to get back to moving forward with life. It's hard to feel any sense of accomplishment when your goals seem so far away and you simply have to wait. Even though they may be grand goals and worth their wait in gold (oh yeah, I went there!) it's still hard to find value in the mundane things of the everyday. Things like having the car serviced and cleaning just seem like time fillers. I've never been good at living in the moment. I've heard of those who find it easy (I assume they are all myths of course), but I always find myself looking ahead. "Things will be better when X happens," "Once we move to Y we will have more opportunity to Z," and my personal favorite, "A squared plus B squared equals personal contentment." Luckily I do find things to do with myself that are meaningful, but it's just so hard to wait. Does anyone else find this?...anyone?'t think so.